OK, so I spent the night logged on to AOL in chat rooms discussing none otherthan--the man himself--and so I didn't get to do a totally up to date count,but 70 people--the problem addresses excluded--received yesterday's mail, and30 more are awaiting further details--but alas that takes time... Fear not,tomorrow's my day off, so I'll be getting up at 10am, watching the RosieO'Donnell show, and then sitting down here at my computer--I call himOmega--and not coming up for air until I am up to date. I hope to finish intime to celebrate my 25th birthday--Aug. 6/2000. ; )

Also, if it pleases the faithful, I must request the right to make this anevery other day publication. I have to study sometime, and I don't want torisk putting myself in the position of "homework" vs. "hobby" on too regularof a basis. Now I know a number of you have asked me how I "do it all", so Ihope you understand when I admit that I'm hardly perfect and therefore can'tdo it all! We'll see, another possibility is allowing myself a half hour aday maximum, and what I get done I get done. Just thought I should tell youwhat's going on...

Lastly, I know a number of you have passed on the addresses of friends, and Iwill be adding them, and sending them a number of back issues!



AG says:
Attention America:
I was informed this evening by guru, that STW has finallybeen released to clubs. Will it follow suit into the stores? I'll keep youposted...

"The seeds that are sown..." (Frederick Wong) writes:
RE: GM's Forthcoming Sony Released Greatest Hits Album

Anyone knows when will that be released, this Christmas?

I'm pretty sure it's part of the deal they (Sony/GM/Dreamwork etc) have. Sony will release a greatest hits album. I really look forward to that!

(Yes, it was part of the contract. And is scheduled for release in 1997. AG)

IMHO, MICHÆL really needs a "hit" album to re-establish himself in America. Older must have been classified as a failure in the US, though the rest ofthe world disagree. Personally, I still think LWP Vol.1 is GM's best soloalbum.

(Being a fan of the good old fashioned pop record, my vote goes to Faith. Yes you can all stop wondering why my handle is yog88 now--1988 was the yearof Faith. The album about which George said something to the effect of ifyou could listen to it and NOT like at least one song, then you DID NOT LIKEpop music! AG)

"They had to pay for what you (don't) see..." writes:
It seems like MTV is snubbing all of the "pop" stars of day's past. Madonna,Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, and George all have produced incredible videosrecently but were only limited to the other video stations. I wonder ifGeorge counts on his MTV image these days?

(I think it's safe to say that George no longer bends over backwards toplease the boys at MTV. Being Canadian, I don't watch MTV, but I can tellyou all they seem to play up here is "alternative". How I managed to get STWis totally beyond my comprehension. I guess it might plain just be time tochange the guard so to speak and hand over sucess to the unwashed masses... AG)

"I changed my name...(kinda)" (Jo) writes:
Is George Michæl his real name? Isn't it Georgios something? That's all fornow, take care!

(The man I like to call Yog was born Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, andremains so legally, having never changed it. AG)

"HEY I'LL HELP YOU FIND IT!" (william cannon) writes:
I do know where you can find one GM bootleg. It's from a company in SouthCarolina called Wynnco. I get their catalog every month. The album is called"Whispers of George" and it has 12 songs live and remixes for $35 dollars and$4 shipping. I recommend calling in this order, because regular customers(like me) have customer numbers. Their phone no. is (864)878-6469. And theiraddress and email is as follows:
Wynnco Enterprises Inc.
PO Box 39
Pickens, SC 29671

ALSO (Angel J Hernandez) writes:
Hi all! Quick question for anyone who can possibly help me. I'm trying toget a copy of both versions of STW on video. I will be more that happy to payfor the video and postage if someone from Canada or here in the U.S. can sendit to me. I'd most appreciate it!

(I have the album version, and have arranged to dub it for someone elsealready, so I'm more than willing to do extra copies. I'm still waiting onthe Dance remix though. AG)

"It feels good... To be FREE!"

Angel also writes:
I'd thought that everyone would be interested in knowing that there is a freeservice called Juno. To save time thru your internet service and not to getcharged for using it while you are typing away your letters to Yogmail or anyother address. I highly suggest trying it and the only charge you'll getwill be for the phone call which doesn't last more than a couple of minutesbecause you're not on line while typing your letters.

(AOL members, we have the same function, they're called FlashSessions. Ifyou don't know what they are, look into them! I LIVE FOR THEM!!!! How elsecould I afford to communicate with one of my best friends in California, anddo YOGMAIL on a students non-existant budget? AG)

I KNOW how expensive AOL and Prodigy can be, so again you ought to try usingJuno, just for a week and see if you like.

And no I'm not a solicitator.

Here's the number to get your free disk (800) 654-JUNO (5866)

I believe at this time Juno now has software for Macs.

(I hope JUNO sees this posting and gives you freebie time for this Angel! AG)



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